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Dentist in Arlington Explains the Dental Implant Process

August 24, 2017

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: — drwardlaw @ 4:54 pm

Representation of dental implantAre you ready to join more than 500,000 people this year who are choosing to replace their missing teeth with dental implants? That is great! While you are excited about regaining a complete smile with your dentist in Arlington, you are also a bit apprehensive about the process. Your concerns are only natural as it will require surgery and take several months to complete. However, if you head into the procedure well-educated about what to expect, you have nothing to fear.

Consultation Process

To ensure you are a candidate for the procedure, you will require a comprehensive consultation. This will involve an evaluation of your dental, medical, and lifestyle history. In addition, images are taken to access your jawbone density and to determine the correct placement of the implant posts.

Additional Procedures

Depending on the results of the consultation, you may require additional procedures prior to starting the process, such as bone grafting or tooth extractions. You will need to be fully healed from these procedures prior to having the posts placed.

Implant Post Placement

The first phase of treatment involves inserting a biocompatible, titanium post into your jawbone. The gum tissue is opened and a small hole is drilled into it. The implant post is placed and the gum tissue is closed.

After this initial process, you will be sore and you will need to keep the surgical site clean. However, the pain will subside within a few days as the healing process continues. It will take several weeks for your jawbone to fuse to the post. When adequate healing has occurred, you will undergo the second phase of the treatment.

Abutment Placement

Once your jawbone is healed, the gum tissue is reopened to attach an abutment to the post. This acts as a connector piece between the dental crown and the implant. Your gum tissue will heal around the abutment to help seal out bacteria while creating a natural-looking gum line.

Restoration Process

After the gum tissue has healed, impressions are taken to create your custom-made crown. It will match your exact specifications in terms of size, shape, and color to blend in with your remaining natural teeth.

Protect Your New Smile

With the right after care, your dental implant post will last for a lifetime. You will need to practice proper oral hygiene while paying extra attention to clean around the abutments and implant post. Use nonabrasive products to clean the crown, which will last for an average of 10 years or longer before needing to be replaced. You will need to maintain your regular dental appointments every six months.

With dental implants in Arlington, you have nothing to fear as you start your journey to a complete smile.

About Dr. Stephen Wardlaw

Dr. Stephen Wardlaw received his dental degree from the Baylor College of Dentistry in 1998. He furthered his education in advanced studies to earn the prestigious rank of fellow in the International College of Oral Implantologist. As an expert for dental implants, he can answer your questions and concerns about the process. Contact I-20 Family Dental today to schedule a consultation.


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